Nobody really likes a blind date... do they?
"What is an Elevate worship experience like?"
The heart of our church is to help people grow but we aren’t timid, and we don’t slow down. We want you to feel the bass in your chest during worship and sit on the edge of your seat during the message. We begin each worship experience with music and then hear a Bible-based message that lasts around 30 minutes. It is our hope that the entire worship experience will encourage and challenge you in the most engaging and exciting way possible. Altogether, our worship experiences last just over an hour.
"You're at the mall, right? Where do I park?"
Well...you won't park in the actual mall lot. While we're part of the Millcreek Mall complex, we're about 100 yards away from the shopping center itself, and we have plenty of parking with parking lot attendants and greeters to help guide you to a great spot.
"What about my kids?"
During all weekend worship experiences, we have options for kids from birth through fifth grade!
"I have older kids. Where will they go?"
Students 6th through 12th grade are part of our regular worship experiences on the weekends! In addition to joining us for our weekend worship experiences, students also meet monthly for VRTCL nights!
"Is there a dress code?"
We want you to feel comfortable. Whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual, or suit and tie, as long as you are actually wearing clothes, you will fit right in.
"Will I be pressured to do anything, or singled out in any way?"
We have a 'Connect Card' available during the worship experience to fill out in case you have questions, need prayer, or are interested in any of our events or resources. This card is only used to help us serve you better and keep you informed of church-wide events and activities. You will not be spammed. We pinky swear.
"What do you believe?"
We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Bible is the Word of God. Our goal is to serve you in any way possible to help you grow.